For brides, Lifestyle

January 2, 2020

2019 in Review

the blog

2019 was a great year. It was my second year of doing photography full time. Even though business was a little bit slower, I was still able to be a part of 13 weddings. This year, I was also able to be a part of a couple beautiful styled shoots, which was so much fun! Besides just weddings, I loved taking lots of family and maternity pictures. It was especially cool to capture some of my own family members and good friends.

Throughout the year, I mostly shot near home around Muscatine, Davenport, and Iowa City. I was able to travel to North Carolina for a styled shoot and to Michigan for a couple of weddings. I also loved shooting an engagement session in downtown Chicago!  Jake and I visited California and San Antonio. Even though I didn’t have any official photography work on those trips, it was so much fun to explore and take pictures of new scenery. Next year, I’m looking forward to shooting my first official destination wedding in Florida. I can’t wait!

One thing I enjoyed this year is having Jake come along to a lot of my weddings as my assistant. He is great at talking to people and making them feel comfortable. I loved having him along as my chauffeur, bag carrier, and bouquet holder. Maybe one day he can be an official second shooter!

One of my goals for 2020 is to spend more time location scouting. Although I can usually make any location look nice, I want to take some extra time finding the very best locations for pictures. Another goal for this year is to slow down when going through all of my poses. It’s easy to fly through all of my normal poses pretty quickly. I’m going to try to take more time to interact with clients and be more creative with my posing.

Overall, I’m thankful for a great year and the ability to do photography full time. I’m so thankful for every client who let me to capture their big day or their family. To everyone who trusted me to take your pictures, wrote a good review, nice email, or sent me some encouraging words,  I truly appreciate your support!

I hope you enjoy looking through some of my favorite pictures from 2019.



Engagements and couples


Families and maternity

Styled Shoots